The problem that vibrating screen should pay attention to in the process design of refractory material.

Vibrating screen are generally arranged in the high-level plant crushing plant, the span is generally not less than 8m, the production of complex multi-species products desirable 9m. Screening center line and bucket elevator centerline in a straight line, their spacing, should ensure that the bucket elevator and screening machine installed between the minimum required size tube, tube tilt angle of not less than 45°. In order to improve the screening efficiency, make the material covered the screen surface, in the sieve inlet can be set at the board.

The layout of the vibrating sieve:

1) Screening of coarse aggregate sieve feeding material in the form of three kinds:

  1. Back through the tube directly

Pulverizer to re-pulverize or enter the pulverizer transitional bunker;

  1. Sent by the conveyor equipment to crusher bin;
  2. Coarse feed will be to the mill feed silos by dedicated belt conveyor or screw conveyor .

2) Fine powder that is used for powder products conveying equipment or through the tube to the hopper to be used, should also be considered to the mill feeding silos facilities.

Screening equipment choose vibrating screen, the center line from the floor height, generally equal to or slightly smaller than the width of the screen size, screening machines should be set anti-shield, dust cover structure must be easy to replace the screen, the screen is in front of And both sides should be set up inspection door. Vibrating screen with a large sealed dust cover, the top elevation and bucket elevator platform elevation as far as possible to make the shaker overhaul, the lifting of components hanging in the dust cover above.

The workshop has two or more different specifications of the vibrating screen, the first size of the largest vibrating sieve layout (with the factory column spacing, elevation from the floor), the other screen layout size subordinate to the size of the large screening machine, As far as possible in the vertical positioning line to take the same centerline, so that plant layout neatly.

Disposable bucket elevator should be noted that in the bucket elevator above 3t manual single-beam lifting equipment. Crane beam rail bottom and bucket elevator drive wheel center distance of not less than 1.5m, easy lifting gear. When the bucket elevator actuator exposed roof layout, bucket elevator should be set up at the top of a separate rain ride.
