Tailings dry sieve: a small amount of money to solve a lot of problems

At present, under the pressure of national environmental protection, many mining industries need to dry-discharge tailings. In response to the national environmental protection policy, to avoid the safety risks caused by tailings. And many mining friends mentioned tailings dry row to think of the need to invest tens of millions of equipment and civil construction. In fact, as long as the choice of a reasonable dry row plan, the use of appropriate tailings dry row sieve, you can spend less money, solve a pile of difficult problems!

一、Case playback 1

A 24-hour iron ore plant in Chengde, which belongs to the old line retrofit project of 3000 t / d iron tailings. When the tailings concentration is 20%, the size of pulp is about 70%, and 85% of dry ore can be extracted by dry sieve. After dry discharge, the water content of the tailings is less than 15%, the bottom flow can be reused through the sedimentation, and a few of the tailings enter the tailings reservoir. The dry sieve can save more than 30% of water resources, increase the storage capacity of tailings by more than 30%, and can also be used as a slurry pump.

【return of backwater】 the amount of tailings (containing water and tailings) treated in a day is 15000t / d, after dry drainage treatment, the tailings and water are taken away 5000 t / d, and 10000 tons of water are left. Originally, the tailings reservoir can be recovered by 50 tons, and now it can be recovered by 80%, and more than 30 tons of water will be recovered. The dry discharge of tailings can save water resources: (15000-5000) * (0.8-0.5) ~ 3000t / d, calculated by water price 0.8 yuan / ton, 3000U 0.82400 yuan / day, 300-day work / year 2400000 ~ 300-720000 yuan, and 720000 yuan of water resources can be saved per year.

【Coarse sand return】Dry discharge of 2550 tons of coarse sand per ton, 10 yuan per ton of profits, 300-day work in a year 2550,500,000000 yuan per year, 7.65 million yuan per year return on coarse sand.

3000t/d iron tailings use high-clothing tailings dry screen only need to invest about 1.2 million yuan.

二、Case playback 2

A vanadium tailings of 500 t / d in a vanadium ore plant in Shangluo, with a concentration of 25% and a coarse grain size of about 70% over 100 mesh, are obtained. More than 95% dry ore can be extracted by dry sieve, and the water content of tailings after dry discharge is less than 20. The tailings after dry sieve of high clothing tailings are used for building materials and the tailings resources are reused; the bottom flow can be used directly without tailings reservoir.

【Backwater return】The amount of tailings treated daily (containing water and tailings) is 2000t / d. After dry discharge treatment, the tailings and water are taken away at 900t / d, and 1100 tons of water are left. According to the water price of 0.8 yuan / ton, the water price is calculated as 0.8 yuan / ton and 0.880 yuan / t / t. The water resources can be saved 264000 yuan per year.

【Coarse sand return】Dry excretion of 475 tons of coarse sand per ton of profits per ton work 300-day work of 475U 10U 300U 1425000 yuan per year return 1.425 million yuan per year coarse sand.

500t/d vanadium tailings only need to invest about 500000 yuan to use high-service tailings dry sieve.


