Most of the raw materials of food factories are transported in bags, and some companies do not screen the raw materials before use. This becomes a hidden danger of food safety. From the perspective of food safety and hygiene, screening of raw materials before use is necessary. And to ensure that the feeding environment is dust-free, mechanical automation is an important hardware for production and the basis of product quality. Food hygiene indicators are directly related to whether food can enter the market and have a profound impact.
In recent years, environmental protection issues have been tightened, and environmentally untrustworthy companies have struggled to move forward. Long-term exposure to dust can cause various damage to the health of workers. The company and its employees depend on each other, and the physical and mental health of employees is critical to the long-term development of the company. In the engineering of raw material feeding and screening, manual feeding, bag changing, and finished product transportation are uncontrollable. The steady and slow feeding of skilled workers during feeding and transportation can effectively reduce dust but cannot be completely avoided.
Different plants have different requirements. The dust concentration in the general workplace shall not exceed 10mg/m³. Hygiene standards stipulate the maximum concentration of harmful substances in the air of workshops and residential areas. For example, the maximum allowable concentration of general dust in the air of a workshop is 10 mg/m3, and for dust containing more than 10% of free silica, it is 2 mg/m3.
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